Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm back.

I seem to hit my blog every 6 moths or so... Sully is here, he's 5 months old and he's such a stud. I love him. His favorite thing to do is to laugh. All you really have to do is look at him and he squeals. :)
My wedding business stuff is really moving forward, my next step is to work out a 'real' website and I'm about to take it. And I'm pumped. Designing it is going to be fun -I have two main ideas, I just have to choose one and stick to it.
We moved, but not into a house. Bummer. When we get a house things are going to happen! I'm so excited to paint, put pictures up, decorate, and organize our lives it's ridiculous. What's the point of doing that in an apartment when you'll only be there a year?
I went to the Women of Faith convention this past weekend. It was really good. The main thing I left with was that I need to learn to "Do what I know to do and let God do the rest." So tough. I always feel the urge to direct/instruct/control everything. Letting go is trusting and that's the hardest part. But so important. There are a lot of things in my life right now that I need to whole-heartedly give to God. And I KNOW that it'll only get better. So I'm working on it. :)