Sunday, November 23, 2008

Far and Near

We moved out to Belle Plaine a few months ago. It is only about 15-20 miles further west than where we were living last year but being here makes me feel completely disconnected from Everything. 2 hours from Cambridge, 1 hour from the cities. That is - if you drive alone. Adding Sully means adding a lot more packing, timing your departure for immediately after eating, making a few stops for more eating and a break from the car (he hates car rides) which are 30 minutes to an hour each. Plus you have to make the entire trip back again. So... I really don't get out much and when we do leave the house we pack a LOT of errands into one trip. My work also keeps me here. I have not yet fallen into a good groove with my editing and deadlines. Balancing my work with Sully and housework is Tough!

So sometimes I feel a bit stranded. And disconnected. I miss being in Cambridge. I never really had a vision of where I wanted to live "when I grew up" ...but I'm sure that Belle Plaine is not it.

Lately I've found myself drawn to reading blogs. I think it's a good way to stay connected and get and give advice and share experiences. But I don't want to become a "lurker" so I think I'll join in and become a little more regular about it. Of course I started here like a year ago... a slow start. :)

1 comment:

LauriJo said...

I agree with the whole feeling of being separated from the real life you want to live. I haven't decided where I want to live when I grow up, but it isn't here! That is for sure!