Monday, November 24, 2008

Worst Case Scenario

Today we got out and went to the evening Thanksgiving church service. We LOVE the Maple Ridge Church in Maple Grove... but it's an hour away so we get there as often as we can. Scott got baptized tonight (yea!) and we got to visit with Stacy, Scott, Mark and Mary Anderson, and Jamie and Billy and Austin! So fun! Austin and Sully were born in the same hospital about a day and a half apart. They were due two days apart and both came over a week late. It is SO fun to see them together and compare stories. Austin has 2 teeth! Such a cutie!

On the way home we realized that we had no keys to get into the house... panic. We looked everywhere (purse, wallet, diaper bag, messy car). There are 2 loose keys that I've been meaning to put on my keychain...

We knew we could get in the first doorway with a little help from the upstairs neighbors. But the second doorway would be a challenge. Ryan had seen Mike Dehn open a lock with a credit card (a trick learned while training to be a police officer). But didn't know if he could do it himself.

We made many Worst Case Scenario plans. My favorite included going to the Mystic Lake Casino (20 miles away) to stay at the hotel where I would make my way to the buffet after Ryan and Sully went to sleep! I'm nursing and I'm always hungry. ..being locked out of the house began to not sound so bad. I was totally revved up for that adventure!

It only took Ryan a few moments to get in. (Why do we bother locking that door?!) Bummer!!!

So now I eat rice, eggplant, avocado, corn, onions, and cottage cheese. Yummy -but I'm totally missing out on the salad bar and ice cream.

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